ShipHawk Guide
Intermediate Consignee Setup through NetSuite
This document discusses how intermediate consignees are handled in ShipHawk and the setup tasks necessary to perform in NetSuite before using this feature. This document does not include the configuration and customization of the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction, which can be found in a separate document: Shipper’s Letter of Instruction.
Intermediate Consignee
An intermediate consignee is a person or organization that acts as an agent for the original shipper and takes possession of the items for the purpose of delivering the items to the ultimate consignee. ShipHawk customers use freight forwarders as intermediate consignees for international shipments, which can receive U.S. shipments by small parcel or LTL carriers.
How ShipHawk handles the intermediate consignee address
When an intermediate consignee address is included with a sales order from NetSuite, that address is used to rate and book the order instead of the final destination address (aka Ultimate Consignee address). Any shipping documentation is also printed using the intermediate consignee address. Users can continue to edit both the intermediate consignee and the final destination address on the Order Details screen.
After booking the shipment, users can only view these addresses on the Shipment Details screen. Shipments with an intermediate consignee address are treated as international shipments. As a consequence, users can edit customs data for such shipments.
If you wish to use intermediate consignees, speak to your account manager to enable the feature.
ShipHawk does not integrate with or communicate in any way with the Intermediate Consignee (freight forwarding company).
ShipHawk treats orders to intermediate consignees as domestic shipments and the intermediate consignee address must be within the United States. Rating and booking shipments to intermediate consignees is limited only to the carriers that ShipHawk currently supports.
When using a freight forwarder, shipping policies that depend on the destination address will use the intermediate consignee address fields as rule criteria instead.
The intermediate consignee address fields must be included in the order creation request. ShipHawk does not allow users to add this information in the order interface if this information was not already part of the request.
Setting up intermediate consignees through NetSuite
Users of NetSuite can map any field (native or custom) on a Sales Order to be used as intermediate consignee address field using order field mappings. The intermediate consignee address contains the following fields:
Phone Number
The following section provides detailed procedures for setting up the relevant field mapping options for intermediate consignee addresses.
To map intermediate consignee address fields to ShipHawk:
Log into your Netsuite account.
Click ShipHawk > Setup > ShipHawk Settings. You will be redirected to the ShipHawk Settings List screen.
Click the Edit link. The ShipHawk Settings screen is displayed.
Navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the Orders tab > ShipHawk Order Field Mapping sub-tab. You will be redirected to the ShipHawk Order Field Mapping sub-tab.
Click on the New ShipHawk Order Field Mapping button. The ShipHawk Order Field Mapping screen is displayed.
Select one of the options from the ShipHawk Order Field drop-down field.
The option you want is a field beginning with the phrase “freight_forwarding”.
Enter the field ID for the corresponding NetSuite field in the NetSuite Order Field Path text field.Click the Save button to finish.
The new intermediate consignee address field mapping populates on the ShipHawk Order Field Mapping tab.
Repeat this procedure for all relevant intermediate consignee address fields.
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