Reprint Shipping Documents

ShipHawk Guide

Reprint Shipping Documents

Shipping documents can be reprinted from multiple locations in ShipHawk. This document reviews the screens where these documents are available.

Shipments Screen

This section will detail how to reprint shipping documents from the Shipments screen of ShipHawk.

To print documents from the Shipments screen:

  1. Log into your ShipHawk account. The ShipHawk dashboard appears.

  2. Click on the Shipments link at the top of the screen. The Shipments screen appears.

  3. To quickly find a shipment, use the following tools:
    Click on the Filter icon and filtered the Shipments screen by one or more attributes of the shipment such as the ship date or status as an international shipment.

    Click on the Display Options icon, then use the Group By drop-down to group the Shipments screen by one attribute at time.

    Search for specific shipments using the Search Shipments field in the top right corner of the Shipments screen.  The most commonly used values are the ShipHawk Shipment ID (Shid) or the Order number.

  4. Once you locate the order, click on the ShipHawk Shipment ID. You will be redirected to the Shipment [Number] screen.

  5. On the right side of the Shipment Detail screen are several shipping documents that can be printed. 

  6. Click on any of the document links. Some documents automatically download as a PDF file to your computer. Other document links open a window prompting you to select a printer.


Bulk Reprinting Shipping Documents

This section details how shipping labels can be bulk printed from the Shipments screen.

To bulk reprint shipping documents:

  1. Navigate to the Shipments screen in ShipHawk.

  2. Choose one or more shipments by selecting the corresponding checkbox next to the ShipHawk Shipment ID.

  3. Click on the Actions drop-down menu and select the Print ZPL Labels for Selected Shipments option.

  4. A message is displayed to confirm that your print job has been sent to your connected printer.


End-of-Day Manifests

This section provides detailed instructions on how to print or reprint end-of-day manifests.

To reprint an end-of-day manifest:

  1. Click on the drop-down icon next to the Shipments link at the top of the ShipHawk dashboard.

  2. Select the End-of-Day Manifests option. You will be redirected to the End-of-Day Manifests screen.

  3. Once you select the appropriate Carrier/Date file from the list of End-of-Day forms, you can do one of the following:

    Click on the PRINT button to send the file to your default printer.


    Click on the DOWNLOAD PDF button to automatically download a PDF file to your computer.


    Click the OPEN PDF button to automatically open the PDF file with your system viewer.

Orders Screen

This section provides detailed instructions on how to print several types of shipping documents from the Orders screen.

To print shipping documents from the Orders screen:

  1. Locate the order(s) you need to print shipping documents for by searching, filtering or grouping.

  2. Once located, select the corresponding checkbox(es) next to the order(s).

  3. Click on the Actions drop-down field, select the Print Selected Orders option and choose the desired shipping document.

    You will be redirected to the Order Bulk Print Status Summary screen .

  4. Click on either the Print PDF or Open PDF button to finish.

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