ShipHawk Guide
Batch Orders Import
Use the Batch Orders Import screen to manually import large quantities of orders from CSV formatted files. This section will go over how to navigate the Batch Orders Import screen, including all the actions related to order imports.
Batch Orders Import View
You can import large quantities of orders to ShipHawk TMS via a CSV formatted file using the Batch Orders Import screen. Rather than creating an order manually, batch importing orders provides a way to get multiple orders into the ShipHawk platform without using a source system directly. If you choose to import your orders via CSV, the file must be properly formatted so that ShipHawk can correctly add orders.
The Batch Orders Import view contains a grid and a list of actions you can perform in that grid. This section will define the import actions you can perform from this screen.
If you select one or more orders using the checkbox in the grid, more actions become available from the Actions drop-down, such as:
Download sample orders import csv file: Click on this action to automatically download a template CSV file to your computer. You can enter order data in this template and use it as the CSV file for importing orders.
Import Orders from csv file: This action will populate the Orders Import screen, where you can select a CSV file for import. If you have already filled out a sample template form with order data, you can upload it here.
Go To Orders List: Click on this link to be redirected to the Order History screen. You may want to use this action if your import job is finished and you want to verify the orders were properly imported.
Delete Selected Records: Use this action to delete the import jobs associated with the records on the grid.
Refresh: You can click the refresh icon to the right of the Actions drop-down to refresh the Batch Orders Import screen.
Orders Import Files
You can view details about a specific import file by clicking on that file in the grid. You will be redirected to a detailed Orders Import screen that contains information about each order imported from the batch.
All orders in this batch are displayed as records in the Orders Import grid. Each column in this grid is defined below:
Row #: The row number that corresponds with the CSV file the imported order was derived from.
Order: Link to the Order Detail view of the newly imported order.
Status: Status of the import job for that order. If the order has not finished syncing, an unstarted or in progress status will appear in this column.
Errors: Any errors importing the order will be described here.
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