Order History Screen

ShipHawk Guide

Order History Screen


This page outlines all the specific fields and options available from the Orders History screen. Orders are usually synced from a source system, such as NetSuite, to ShipHawk TMS. The Orders History screen (or Orders Summary Page) is where customer orders will appear after a customer has checked out in their cart. These are orders that need to be processed into shipments. 


On this page:

Search page

Order History Screen

All orders that have been manually created, imported through CSV file, and synced from a source system will appear in the Order History screen. You can navigate to the Order History screen by clicking the Orders tab, or clicking the Order History option from the Orders drop-down menu. This section will detail how to navigate through the Order History screen to gather relevant information about specific orders.

Order History Sidebar

The Sidebar on the Order History screen contains information about order statuses, saved views, and open batches. The following section will define important fields in the Order Details sidebar. 

Saved Views: Displayed on order screens in the sidebar. By default, ShipHawk TMS has eight order statuses saved as views on the Orders History screen.

Order statuses are a type of saved view that notify users how many orders are in each stage. You can also filter your table view by clicking on the order status you would like to view in the Sidebar. Here is what each order status means:  

New: New orders that are synced from your source system. These need to be processed into shipments. This is the default view when you navigate to the Order History screen, as indicated by the star icon next to the New status.

Partially shipped: In some cases, one order will have multiple items shipping in two or more shipments. Example: when the items originate from different locations, or ship in different methods (such as 1 FedEx shipment and 1 LTL shipment). Another example is when items are backordered.

Shipped: When all items in a particular order have been processed into a shipment and a label/BOL is created. This does not mean that the shipment has been picked up (pickups can be tracked in “shipments”)

Picking: When a pick ticket is printed, SH automatically moves to the picking status. This is to prevent packers from fulfilling the same shipment. Once a label is created it moves to “Shipped.”

Delivered: When all items in a particular order have been shipped and delivered.

Cancelled: Orders that have been cancelled and not shipped.

Save View: Located below the order status views. Click this button if you want to save the set of filters you applied to your screen as a view.

Open Batch: Displays a list of all batches that have been created in your ShipHawk TMSsystem. You can click on a specific batch to view all the orders associated with that batch. You can also click the New Batch button to add a new batch to the list.


The Order History view contains a grid and a list of actions you can perform in that grid. This section will define actions you can perform from the Order History view.

If no order has been selected from the grid, the only option in  the Actions drop-down will be to Create New Order. If you select one or more orders using the checkbox in the grid however, more actions become available from the Actions drop-down, such as:

Create New Order: Use this action to manually create a single order in ShipHawk. The Create Manual Order screen will populate, with a default origin and destination address for your new manual order.

You can enter the following information into the fields using the Create Manual Order screen:

Order #

The only required information needed to create an order. Enter an order number using the Order # field. 


Use this field to indicate where the order originated from.

Order Date

The date the order was created. This field is automatically populated with today’s date.

Amount/Shipping/Tax Paid

Use this field to indicate how much of the order has been paid for.

Order Line Items

Use this section to manually add order line items to your order. These can always be entered in later in the Order Details page.

When you are finished entering information about your order, you can click Save Order to be redirected to an Order Details view of your new order.

Change Order Status to: You can change the order status for the selected order(s) by clicking on this action.

Bulk Update: You can perform a bulk update on the order(s) you have selected by clicking this action. This can be useful if you have specific orders you know need to be updated from a source system.

Hold: Use this action to place your order on hold until a selected date.

Combine Orders: In some cases, you may want to combine two or more orders, like when a customer purchases multiple items at different times that originate from the same warehouse. You can click the Combine Orders action to combine two or more orders. 

If you click this action, you will be redirected to the Combine Orders pop-up screen. Here you will be prompted to merge your orders into a single surviving order. All orders merged with the surviving order will disappear and not be searchable.

Delete Selected Orders: Use this action to mass delete all the orders you have selected from the grid.

Process Orders: Use this option to process all the orders you have selected from the grid in one batch. This option is also displayed to the right of the Actions drop-down.

Order References

From the Order History view, you can also employ the Order References your organization has set up to search for orders. Order Reference numbers are custom fields that are pulled from a source system into ShipHawk. Some common references include a purchase order number or customer reference number for the order.

 If you click on the button located next to the Universal Search box, a drop down will appear with parameters to search by. When you select the Order Reference checkbox, you can search by a reference your organization has added, such as a customer reference number.


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