ShipHawk Guide
Summary Pages
A Summary Page in ShipHawk is the main workspace in an Orders, Shipments, or Products tab. The summary page usually contains a grid with data that you can filter and conduct a search on (called a table or grid view).
In addition to the grid view, the summary page contains a sidebar with a list of statuses or views you can group your orders by. If enabled, the sidebar is where you can configure saved views for your page. The last section of this page describes what Saved Views are and how they can be configured from the summary page in ShipHawk.
Summary Definitions
The Shipments summary page, which contains a detailed view of all the Shipments that have been processed by ShipHawk in the grid, is displayed below:
From left to right:
Sidebar: Shows a summary of all your shipments/orders, separated by status or view. The options from the sidebar show how many records belong to a certain order or shipment status. You can filter your grid results by status by clicking on a status in the sidebar. If enabled, this is also where you can manage and create Saved Views. (see Saved Views)
Actions drop-down: The Actions drop-down is located to the right of the screen title on most Orders, Shipments, and Products screens. Click on the drop-down for a list of actions you can take on the screen you are currently in.
Refresh Icon: Refreshes the screen for new records to display, while keeping the same filters. The Refresh icon is located to the right of the Actions drop-down on the Orders, Shipments, and Products screens.
Filters: The Filters option lets you change a group of results in the current table view. To apply a filter to your view, click on the Filter icon on the header of a page. This will open the Filter by screen, where you can configure the fields to get a smaller subset of results. If enabled, you can also save your filtered view as a saved view.
Proposed Shipment Status (Filter by): A field in the Filter by screen under the Order Summary page. Proposed shipments status indicates what shipments status the order would be categorized under based on the current status of the order.
Tags (Filter by): A field in the Filter by screen under the Order Summary page. Tags are internal labellings used in ShipHawk to group/identify specific orders. If the Orders you are trying to filter by have a specific tag associated with them, enter the name of the tag in this field.
Warehouse (Filter by): A field in the Filter by screen under the Order Summary page. You can filter your screen to only display orders that are being fulfilled by certain warehouses.
Source System (Filter by): A field in the Filter by screen under the Order Summary page. You can filter your orders by the source system ShipHawk synced them from. For example, if you only want to view orders that were synced from NetSuite to ShipHawk, enter NetSuite in the Source System field.
Display Options: Use Display Options to change how your orders, shipments, or products are displayed on the grid. You can use these settings to group your records, and add/remove columns from the grid.
Group By (Display Options): A field in the Display Options screen. The Group by setting allows you to group your results into smaller sections. Applying this setting will create different subsections in your grid that you can expand and contract to view more or less results. The Group By setting either appears as a drop-down field in the header of a page, or in the Display Settings screen. You can group your records by categories including: Item SKU, Created Date, Age, Recipient, Country, Source, Tags, Warehouse, Carrier, Service.
Columns (Display Options): A subsection under the Display Options screen where you can select or clear the checkboxes that correspond with the columns you would like to add or remove from your grid.
Universal Search: Allows you to search your table view based on a string you enter and the operator that you select to search by (Contains, Ends with, Starts with).
Text size: A setting in the Shipments and Products page. Use this drop-down to change the font size of your summary page.
Saved Views
Saved views is a feature that lets you save a set of filter options for later use. You can use saved views to store commonly filtered content as views, and apply these views to your screen when needed.
Saved views are stored in the sidebar of the Orders and Shipments Summary pages. From the sidebar, you can create, edit, and delete the saved views you have configured for your account. You can also set a saved view as your default view if this view is used more frequently than the default filter view.
Any pre-configured or default views you have saved will appear on the left-hand sidebar under the Saved Views heading:
There are two ways you can create a saved view from a Summary page:
By clicking the Filters button above the grid to configure your saved view from the Filter by pop-up screen.
By clicking the +Saved Views link under the Saved Views heading if you have already applied a set of filters to your screen.
Your new view will display under the Saved Views heading in the sidebar.
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