ShipHawk Guide
Freight Reports
Report Name | Report Type | Description | Comments |
Accessorial Spend and Count | Summary | Provides a description of monthly accessorial charges. |
Accessorial Spend and Count by Carrier | Summary | Provides a description of monthly accessorial charges. |
Accessorial Summary | Summary | Summarizes the number of charges, and packages that were charged an accessorial. |
Audit Queue Report | Details | Provides details about client code, carrier code, unique IDs and tracks freight audit queues over the time period. |
Analysis by Service | Summary | Looks at the total cost of charges, the total amount of weight, number of packages, and surcharges over the given time period. |
Air Ocean Details | Detail | N/A | Future enhancement |
Bill Pay Exception Report | Details | Provides clear description of any exception that was raised over time period with details like client, payment number, carrier, payable amount, amount paid, re-rated amount, and the difference between the two. |
Carrier Spend and Count | Summary | A monthly description of money spent on different carriers over the time period. |
Dispute Report |
Dispute Summary | Summary | Shows the total number of disputes over the time period, as well as breaking it down specifically with the number of disputes per carrier. |
Configuration History | Details | Details of the historical freight configuration changes over the time period, including configuration type, name, and its URL, and more. |
Invoice Aging | Details | Looks at every invoice and its details, with metrics such as: invoice age, invoice original amount, current invoice balance, invoice status, and number of days to pay each invoice. |
KPI Report | Summary | Provides snapshot data on the number of invoices by month. |
LTL Audit Performance | Summary | Explains the status of various audit performances (Audited, Duplicate, Dispute, etc.), and other details like the date of the audit or if the case has been closed. |
LTL Shipment Details Report | Details | Contains details about every shipping invoice like address, invoice amount, cost of charges, total discount, and more. |
LTL Shipment Summary Report | Details | Looks at each invoice number and tells the total freight charges, the date, accessorial descriptions, accessorial costs, weight, address, and more. |
Match Details | Details | Tracks the details of freight matching activities over the time period and it includes invoice matching status, billing details, address information, carrier information, and more. |
Ocean Shipment Details | Details | Explains ocean shipments by providing different columns like invoice number, BOL number, date, and other standard details. | N/A, future enhancement |
On Time | Summary | Shows on time performance by carrier over the given time period |
Overcharge | Summary | Tracks freight overcharges over the given time period, and the details associated with each of those orders. |
Routing Compliance | Details | Provides detailed metrics regarding routing compliance and standard metrics like their ID, invoice number, carrier, and more. |
Freight PDF Summary | Details | Compiles each individual invoice with each carrier into one PDF summary. |
SMC Logs |
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