ShipHawk Guide

Parcel Audit Points Descriptions

Late Deliveries

The parcel was delivered past its guaranteed delivery time and date.


The parcel was entered into the carrier system and billed, but never shipped by the carrier.

Lost and Damaged

Any shipments that were damaged may be eligible for a claim.

Duplicate Charges

A parcel was billed more than one time.

Address Corrections

The carrier charges fees for an address correction that was not necessary or was initially correct.

Incorrect Saturday Pickup Charge

The parcel was supposed to be picked up on a Saturday, but was not.

Incorrect Saturday Delivery Charge

The parcel was supposed to be delivered on a Saturday, but was not.

Residential Audit

The parcel was delivered to a commercial location, but was charged a residential charge.

Incorrect Dimensional Weight Charges

The carrier used the wrong dimensions or applied an incorrect DIM factor.

Incorrect List Rate

The carrier did not apply the correct list rate from the service guide.

Incorrect Base discount

The carrier did not apply the correct discount which is stipulated in the shipper’s carrier agreement.

Incorrect Earned Discount

The carrier did not apply the correct discount according to the tier based on the rolling week base rate.

Incorrect Surcharge List Rate

The carrier did not apply the correct surcharge list rate from the rate guide.

Incorrect Surcharge Discount

The carrier did not apply the correct discount which is stipulated in the shipper’s carrier agreement for the surcharge.

Incorrect Zone

The carrier did not apply the correct zone which should be applied based on the zips applicable.

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