ShipHawk Guide
LOV Type | Lov Description | LOV Code | LOV Attribute 1 | LOV Attribute 2 | LOV Attribute 3 | LOV Attribute 4 |
DIVISION | Description of the Division | ERP Internal ID for this Division | Sorting order | Prefix used in packlist processing | Return Address JSON | BOL Material Class |
LOV Type | Lov Description | LOV Code | LOV Attribute 1 | LOV Attribute 2 | LOV Attribute 3 | LOV Attribute 4 |
DIVISION | Retail | 2 | 1 | RT | PO Box 325, Highland MD, USA | Electronics |
DIVISION | Wholesale | 5 | 2 | WS | PO Box 543, Highland MD, USA | Electronics |
The Return Address element is represented with a JSON object and can represent multiple return addresses for different Locations (for the Division), and different Customers (for drop shipments). Return Addresses are listed on all Pack Lists, Shipping labels, BOLs, Commercial Invoices and other logistics-related documents.
"returnAddress": {
"company": "SWM Inc.",
"addr1": "1234 Maple Street",
"city": "Highland",
"state": "MD",
"zip": "20777",
"countrycode": "US",
"phone": "555-111-2222",
"customssigner": "Customer Service"
"EAST-DC": {
"returnAddress": {
"company": "SWM Inc.",
"addr1": "7654 Pine Street",
"city": "Highland",
"state": "MD",
"zip": "20777",
"countrycode": "US",
"phone": "000-000-0000",
"customssigner": "Customer Service"
"WEST-DC": {
"returnAddress": {
"company": "SWM Inc.",
"addr1": "4321 Oak Street",
"city": "Vista",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "92081",
"countrycode": "US",
"phone": "000-000-0000",
"customssigner": "Customer Service"
"returnAddress": {
"company": "",
"addr1": "1901 SE 10th St",
"city": "Bentonville",
"state": "AR",
"zip": "72712",
"countrycode": "US",
"phone": "000-000-0000",
"customssigner": "Customer Service"
The BOL Material Class element is represented with a JSON object and represents system-wide defaults for the National Motor freight Code (NMFC), Commodity Description, and Commodity Freight Classification to be listed on the BOL for shipments under this Division unless Item-specific data is set. An example is shown below:
"item_nmfc": "100240",
"item_classification": "100",
"item_commodity": "METAL/IRON/GLASS"
Division may frequently be associated with ERP’s or NetSuite’s “Class” attribute, but it need not be. Distinct Divisions should only be defined if the operations are to be maintained distinctly within the warehouse.
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