Administration Operations & Usage

ShipHawk Guide

Administration Operations & Usage

ShipHawk WMS delivers all administration options using a very simple approach that prompts an operator to enter either a fulfillment (order), batch pick ID, container ID, purchase order, or item (for item history), and then presents an array of options/action that can be taken on that order based on its current status. This is highly dynamic process that takes a potentially complex process and makes it very simple for the operator.

This feature is a very effective “one-stop-shop” for all information (and history) relating to an order, and should be the first place to begin any customer service research relating to an order.

For example, an operator enters a container ID in the Administration page shown below:


ShipHawk WMS locates that order based on the container, order , or batch ID scanned and presents all of the information that is known about that order.



If the order is shipped, the operator can simply select the shipped container and ShipHawk WMS will present a detailed view of all attributes related to that specific container.


Specific picks for this container can be easily reviewed by clicking Picking Details on this page:


Numerous Administrative options can be invoked by selecting from the Drop Down and clicking Take Selected Action. The option shown vary with the state of the order. In this example below, the options are shown for an order that has already been shipped.


The Batch details for any order can also be reviewed by clicking the Batch link




A comprehensive Order Status Summary page is also available in ShipHawk WMS under the Administration Page. This option displays a summary of orders in different statues, from release-not-picked, picked-not-packed, packed-not-shipped, and shipped-today. An example of this page is shown below. Any order can be easily accessed with single click, which delivers the operator to the Order Summary page shown above.


Reprinting Documents

This Action will reprint any documents previously created. It does NOT regenerate the document; rather it retrieves the previously created PDF and directs that specific file to the printer. This is useful if a hardware-based printing problem is encountered.

Reprinting Labels

This Action is the same as reprinting documents, except that it is specific to labels such as ship labels. This will retrieve any previously created ZPL-based labels and direct them to the printer. Like reprinting documents, this is useful if a hardware-based printing problem is encountered.

Regenerating Documents & Labels

If a document or label needs to be regenerated because a condition or data has been changed since the original document was printed, this is the Action that should be selected by the operator. This action will initiate the necessary ShipHawk WMS processes to regenerate the requested document or label. If a shipping label is to be regenerated, it will create a new tracking ID for the package.

Resetting Orders

This Action can only be performed if picking has not yet begun. Resetting an order will remove the order from any wave and batch. It will also deallocate any inventory and places the order in the initial state it was received in from the ERP.

Canceling Orders

Order cancellation is always a challenge in the warehouse, especially if picking has begun on the order. This Action, however, keeps the process very simple to manage, even after picking has begun. In fact, unless you have shipped the order, ShipHawk WMS will allow you to cancel a fulfillment order, and manage the re-slotting of any picked inventory without the need to perform any inventory adjustments or re-receipt of the inventory.

To begin, the authorized operator would access the Administration Menu and enter the order number or scan one of the containers on the order. The page is shown below. Based on the status of the order, ShipHawk WMS will list a variety of valid actions to take for this order. In this case, the order has begun picking, so an option to cancel is order is shown.


Of course, if picking has not yet begun, the operator can also cancel the order as shown on the page below.



Once the “Action to Take” is selected, the operator will be sequenced through a series of validation steps (to confirm the action requested). Once confirmed, the order will be canceled in ShipHawk WMS. The inventory and containers will be automatically moved to a specifically designated bin or staging area for “return to stock” (or RTS) inventory, as is shown below.


This “return to stock” bin may be defined as an allocatable bin, or not. If allocatable, then inventory in this bin is considered available for allocation and pickers could be directed to that bin if the allocation strategy dictates this. If not allocatable, then no picks will ever be allocated to that RTS bin, and you will need to move the inventory out of the bin to an allocatable bin.

To move inventory from the RTS bin, the operator will use the standard Move features to identify the Bin, Item, Quantity to Move. The operator may also simply scan the Container ID on the inventory to initiate a move. The operator can then select the standard “Suggest Bin” option and ShipHawk WMS will direct the operator to the proper bin based on the standard putaway rules setup for this item (see Putaway).

Editing Order Addresses/Attributes

At times, data received from the ERP on the order must be changed at the last minute in the warehouse. This Action permits that, allowing authorized operators to edit order attributes at any time, but before the order is shipped.

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