ShipHawk Guide
Login to ShipHawk WMS
ShipHawk WMS is accessed using a web browser and a URL. Issuing that URL within your browser will direct you to the ShipHawk WMS Login Page.
Trying to access any other page in ShipHawk WMS without an authenticated session will always redirect you to the ShipHawk WMS Login Page.
Note that when logging in, you can either use the “Use my default” option for Location, Division, Role, or Workstation, or you can select a specific value. All user credentials are defined in the ERP (NetSuite) using an Employee table. This table defines the credentials (encrypted) and default values for each user. If a user picks specific values for Location, Division, Role, and Workstation, that user must be authorized to use each of those settings. However, since it is not known which user will login next, all settings are always presented in the Login page. For example, You cannot login as an Administrator if you do not have Administrator role defined on your ShipHawk WMS Employee record in the ERP (NetSuite), even if you entered a valid username and password. You must always enter a valid username, password, role, location, division, and workstation to gain access to ShipHawk WMS.
Once you successfully login, a summary of your settings will be presented. This includes the location, division, workstation, and role you will be operating under while your session is active.
If your login is unsuccessful, ShipHawk WMS will display this failure and ask you to attempt your login again.
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