ShipHawk’s Advanced Analytics (Beta Release) is now available for admin users. Contact your ShipHawk account manager to learn more.
From the ShipHawk TMS top menu, click Advanced Analytics.
The following dashboards are available:
Carriers Dashboard
With filters for Carrier, Date, Warehouse, Shipment Type, Domestic or International, and User, the Carriers Dashboard includes:
Monthly Booked Shipment Cost by Carrier
Monthly Shipments by Carrier
Overall Carrier Usage %
Average Shipment Spend by Carrier
On Time Delivery % by Carrier
Domestic Shipments by Carrier and Destination State
Shipment Count & Booked Shipment Costs by Carrier and Service
Shipments Dashboard
With filters for Carrier Name, Date, Warehouse, Shipment Type, Domestic or International, and User, the Shipments Dashboard includes:
Domestic Shipment Destinations Map
Domestic Shipment Destinations List
Shipments per Month
Shipping Cost by Month
Shipments by Warehouse
Most Common Packages Used
Items Shipped Per Month
Average Number of Items per Shipment
Average Domestic Shipment Weight by State
Shipment Counts by Origin Warehouse, Carrier, and Destination State
Shipments by Status
Shipment Details
Snapshot Dashboard
With filters for Created Week, City, and Parcel or Freight, the Snapshot Dashboard includes metrics for the following:
Ordered or Confirmed Shipments Created Before Today
Shipments in Ordered or Confirmed Status
Shipments in Transit or Delivered Status
Shipments Cancelled
Shipments Created by Hour (ET)
Shipments Processed by User
Package Containers Used
Shipment Details
With filters for Created Date, Warehouse, Carrier, Shipment Type, Domestic or International, and User, the General (Overview) dashboard includes metrics for the following:
Avg. Shipping Cost per Shipment
Delivery Promise
Daily Shipment & Order Counts
Shipment Count by Carrier
Shipments Processed by User
Shipments per Hour (ET)