Security Controls: 2FA and System Access – ShipHawk provides permissions and security controls to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to provide a more secure platform.
Multi Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your account.
When this setting is enabled, users will be prompted to set up 2FA the next time they login. Setting up 2FA is simple but will require users to have an authentication app on a mobile device or PC. Authenticator Apps are available from Google, Microsoft, Salesforce and more. Once configured, users will be prompted for a code each time they login to ShipHawk.
Admins can reset 2FA for any user on the Users page in ShipHawk.
If all admins lose 2FA access, contact ShipHawk support for assistance.
To enable multi factor authentication, select Enable two factor authentication for all users.
For more information, see Managing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in ShipHawk TMS .
IP Address Restrictions
Admin users can restrict access to the ShipHawk UI based on pre-configured IP ranges for groups of users. Setting IP limits, also known as IP whitelisting, allows admins to restrict access to the ShipHawk site to specific IP addresses (or a range of IP adresses).