ShipHawk Guide

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The ShipHawk-Acumatica connector is a solution designed to allow users to install the ShipHawk app for Acumatica. The app is an Acumatica Certified Application (ACA), meaning it adheres to standards set for Acumatica integration and functionality. When the application is successfully installed and configured, ShipHawk is able to sync Acumatica shipments as orders in the ShipHawk platform and complete the order fulfillment process.

With the ShipHawk-Acumatica connector, users are able to:

  • Manually import, publish, upgrade, and delete the ShipHawk app into Acumatica

  • Export shipments and sales orders from Acumatica to the ShipHawk platform, where they register as orders

  • Import ShipHawk confirmed shipments into Acumatica

  • Import ShipHawk created labels into Acumatica

Communication between Acumatica and ShipHawk allows your organization to access ShipHawk services to  fulfill shipments created in Acumatica.

Installing the Shiphawk Application

This chapter provides a broad outline of the steps necessary to install the ShipHawk Application in your Acumatica environment. Should you need to in the future, this chapter also outlines the steps required to update, unpublish, or delete the ShipHawk package from the Customization Projects page in Acumatica.

Installation Prerequisites

To install the ShipHawk Application in your instance of Acumatica, you must first ensure you have met the following requirements, listed below:

✔︎ Access to the ShipHawk package file

✔︎ Distribution module is enabled in your Acumatica environment

✔︎ Have minimum S License Tier Acumatica ERP license restriction applied to function in alignment with license tier restrictions

✔︎ Appropriate permissions enabled for the user importing the ShipHawk package




App / Connector 

The package that can be installed and loaded into Acumatica. It contains the code that enables integration and interaction between Acumatica and ShipHawk. 


The object in ShipHawk that represents an order.

Shipments (ShipHawk)

The object in ShipHawk that represents a shipment. Shipments in ShipHawk are created automatically after an order is set to ship.

Sales Orders

The object in Acumatica that represents an order.

Shipments (Acumatica)

The object in Acumatica that represents a shipment. Users sync Shipments in Acumatica to ShipHawk as an Order. 

Installation Procedures

You may begin the installation process if you have reviewed the prerequisites and determined they have been met by your organization. 

This section describes the process for manually importing and publishing the ShipHawk package to your Acumatica platform. You will also find instructions for uninstalling, upgrading, and deleting the application from Acumatica. Once you have successfully imported and published the ShipHawk application, you will still need to configure your ShipHawk workspace so that ShipHawk can communicate with your Acumatica platform to fulfill orders. These procedures are intended for your organization’s system administrator.

Importing ShipHawk package 

To import the ShipHawk package into your Customization Projects page

  1. Log in to Acumatica, navigate to  Configuration> Customization > Customization Projects

  2. The Customization Projects page will appear, with a list of the customization projects available for the current application instance.

  3. Click the Import button in the form toolbar.  A drop-down menu will appear. 

  4. Select Import New Project from the drop-down menu.

  5. Select the Choose File button in the Open Package pop-up window.

  6. Select the ShipHawk package file from your computer’s file manager.

  7. Click Open

  8. The selected package will display in the open package popup. Click the Upload button to upload the file. It may take a few moments to load on the screen.

If executed correctly, you will see the imported package in the grid.

To publish the imported package into Acumatica

  1. Locate the ShipHawk package you imported to the Customization Projects page, displayed as a row in the grid.

  2. Ensure the row containing the ShipHawk solution is selected.

  3. Select the checkbox to the left of the Published column.

    1. You can publish multiple packages by selecting the checkbox for each respective package.

  4. Click the Publish button in the form toolbar. A drop-down menu will appear. 

  5. Select the ‘Publish to Multiple Tenants’ option from the menu.

  6. A pop-up window will appear titled Publish to Multiple Tenants. From this window, select the Selected checkbox, located in the same row as the Tenant Name ‘ShipHawk’ .

  7. Select the ‘Execute All Database Scripts’ checkbox. Then, click OK.

  8. Following the Publish to Multiple Tenants pop-up, the Publish Customization pop-up will appear. When prompted, click Publish.

  9. If the package is successfully published, the checkbox under the Published column will display as selected against the ShipHawk package in the Customization Projects grid.

  10. To unpublish your solution, deselect the Published checkbox and click the Unpublish All button in the form toolbar.

Upgrading your ShipHawk Package

To upgrade your ShipHawk package in Acumatica

  1. Log in to the Acumatica instance that contains the published ShipHawk solution.

  2. Navigate back to the Customization projects page. Click Configuration> Customization > Customization Projects

  3. The Customization Projects page will appear. This page should have the published ShipHawk solution displayed as a row in the grid.

  4. Ensure the row containing the ShipHawk solution is selected.

  5. From the form toolbar at the top of the grid, select the Import button. The Import drop-down menu will appear.

  6. Select the ‘Replace Highlighted Project Content’ option from the drop-down menu.

  7. Select the Choose File button from the Open Package pop-up window.

  8. Locate and select the updated file from your Computer’s file manager.

  9. Verify that the correct file appears in the Open Package pop-up. Click Upload.

  10. Navigate back to the Custom Projects page and select the recently uploaded file.

  11. Select both versions of the ShipHawk package.

  12. Click on the Publish button, then select the Publish with Cleanup option.

If executed correctly, the new version of the ShipHawk package will have the Publish checkbox selected and the other version will be unselected.

Deleting your ShipHawk Package

If necessary, you can entirely remove the ShipHawk solution from your instance of Acumatica. 

To delete your ShipHawk Package

  1. Log in to the Acumatica instance that contains the ShipHawk solution.

  2. Navigate back to the Customization projects page. Click Configuration > Customization > Customization Projects

  3. The Customization Projects page will appear. This page should contain the ShipHawk solution.

  4. If selected, clear the checkboxes for the ShipHawk package.

  5. Click the Publish button located in the form toolbar. The Compilation pop-up window will appear.

  6. Click Publish in the Compilation window.

  7. Sequentially select and delete the rows with the solution packages unpublished. This can be done by highlighting the row containing the package, then clicking the X button in the toolbar to delete the row.

If executed correctly, you will no longer see the ShipHawk package in the Customization Projects grid.

Configuring the Shiphawk Workspace

After you have installed and published the ShipHawk application to your instance of Acumatica, you must set up your ShipHawk workspace in Acumatica and ensure the two solutions have successfully connected. The setup process is accomplished by using the ShipHawk Setup and ShipHawk Mapping screens in Acumatica. Both screens are described in detail below.

ShipHawk Setup Screen

This section describes how to configure the ShipHawk Setup screen in Acumatica, and provides definitions for each of the fields in the screen. This screen contains settings you can modify to alter the way ShipHawk processes orders from Acumatica. You can also use this screen to test the connection between both solutions. 

To update the ShipHawk Setup screen

  1. If your ShipHawk package was installed correctly, an icon for the ShipHawk application will appear on the More Items menu.

    1. The icon may also appear below the More Items menu, depending on your display size.

  1. Navigate to the ShipHawk Setup Screen by clicking More Items > ShipHawk > Setup Screens > ShipHawk Setup.

  1. You can modify the different fields in the ShipHawk Setup screen to better align with your organization’s needs. The fields on this screen are defined in the table below:

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