Users (Settings Screen)

ShipHawk Guide

Users (Settings Screen)

The Users screen under Settings is where administrators can add new users, delete existing users, and manage user permissions. The Users screen contains a grid with every user associated with your organization’s ShipHawk account. The Users screen also contains a New User column, where you can set up a new user and the user’s associated permissions. 

New User Column

Users with Admin level permissions can create new users through the New User Column on the Users page. From here, you can enter information about your new user, set their permission level, and even indicate what warehouses they have access to.

New User Fields

First/Last Name: Enter the first and last name of the new user you are adding to your ShipHawk account in these fields.

Email: Enter the email address associated with the new user in this field. This will be the email the user uses to log in to their instance of ShipHawk.

Password: Enter a password for your new user. This will be the password the user uses to log in to their instance of ShipHawk.

User Role: Select the user permission level in the User Role field. There are four different user account types in ShipHawk, and each user account type has an associated user permission level. User permission levels allow an administrator to determine what user accounts can access which screens and settings in ShipHawk. To configure permissions for each user, you must understand the various permission types available. The different user account types are defined below:

Shipping Clerk: Shipping clerks have the same access as a Shipping Manager, but cannot view the Dashboard. Shipping clerks may also be subject to additional proposed shipment shipping restrictions.

Shipping Manager: A restricted permission setting where users can view the dashboard, but cannot edit users. Users with this permission setting also have limited access to the Settings tab.

Admin: A permission setting where users can add and edit users, view the dashboard, and change orders/shipments. Users with this permission setting also have full access to the Settings tab.

Warehouse Associate: A permission level intended for ShipHawk accounts using workstations. Users with this role can access workstations for the warehouses they have access to, and cannot access any other feature of the ShipHawk Web UI.

Warehouses: If you want your user to be limited to certain warehouses, assign the user to a specific warehouse (or specific warehouses) using the Warehouses field. You can hold the CTRL button on your keyboard to select multiple warehouses from the drop-down list. Best Practice: If you only have 1 warehouse or if you want users to be able to access all orders, we recommend not assigning warehouses.

If you plan on assigning users to warehouses, let your implementation engineer know first! This must be setup correctly in order to use this feature. Do NOT assign users to a warehouse unless this has been setup.

Existing User Column

Users with Admin level permissions can also modify and delete existing users from the Users page. Click on the user account that you want to change permissions for on the grid. ​​The page will remove the New User title on the right column, instead the user’s credentials will be filled in on the right column. 

User Role: You can update a user’s permission level by selecting a different option under this field.

Warehouses: You can change the warehouse a user is allowed to access, or clear the field altogether and grant the user access to all warehouses in the system by modifying the Warehouses field.

Save Changes: When you are finished editing the existing user, click Save Changes to save your changes.

Delete: Use this button to delete an existing user from the system. The user will no longer be allowed to log in to ShipHawk with their credentials.

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