Adding a Carrier to your ShipHawk Account

ShipHawk Guide

Adding a Carrier to your ShipHawk Account

This document provides instructions for how to add the most common carrier accounts to ShipHawk using the Carriers page. The Carriers page in ShipHawk displays a dashboard of supported carriers, with the status of a carrier (either Active, Inactive, or Not Enabled) displayed at the bottom left hand corner of each carrier card. By enabling a variety of carriers in your instance of ShipHawk, ShipHawk can produce competitive carrier rates, and in turn create proposed shipments based on these rates. 

Each section in this guide details how to add a specific carrier account to ShipHawk. The instructions outlined in each section are meant to provide a general guide, and are non-exhaustive. If your carrier account setup is more advanced than what is described in this guide, contact ShipHawk Support. This includes use cases such as connecting multiple carrier accounts to one ShipHawk account.

This document is written for users with Admin level permissions who have access to their organization’s carrier credentials. 

This guide covers the following topics:


Adding a carrier overview

To successfully add each of the carriers described in the following sections to your ShipHawk account, you must have an account with that carrier already created. To simplify the process of adding each carrier, log in to your carrier account and have all the account information on hand before navigating to ShipHawk.

The account details that need to be entered in ShipHawk for a carrier to be activated are different for each carrier. The information required for each carrier will be specified in that carrier’s section. When an account has been successfully connected, the tile corresponding to the carrier on the Carriers page will display a green Active checkmark on the bottom left hand side of the card.

The following sections will detail how to add specific carriers to your account.


Connect your UPS account

ShipHawk supports UPS as a carrier. Use the following procedure to connect an existing UPS carrier account to ShipHawk.

Necessary UPS account details

To add UPS as a carrier to your ShipHawk account, you must have the following account details:

  • Account Number, Account Zip Code, Account Country

  • Invoice Information from one of the last three invoices created by this UPS account

    • Invoice Number, Date, Currency Code, Amount

  • Contact person Name, Title, Email, Phone Number 

  • Company Name, Company URL

  • Address Information

How to add your UPS account

  1. From the ShipHawk dashboard, click on the Settings icon > Carriers in the upper right corner. The Carrier Integrations screen appears.


  2. Click on the UPS card. The Add Your Account screen appears.


  3. Fill in the required account information under the Account section

    Enter your UPS account number, zip code, and country in the respective fields.

  4. As part of the carrier account verification process, you must locate information from one of the last three invoices created by this UPS account.

  5. Complete the fields under the invoice section with information about the invoice you opted to use


  6. Complete the required fields under the Profile section


    1. Enter the Name, Title, Email, and Phone Number of the contact person for this UPS account in their respective fields.

    2. Enter the company name and company URL associated with this UPS account in the Company Name and Company URL  fields.

  7. Complete the required address fields for the location associated with this UPS account under the Address section


  8. If you wish to use a UPS SurePost account with ShipHawk, select the Enable UPS SurePost checkbox under the UPS SurePost section. A new field appears.


  9. Enter your UPS SurePost account number in the UPS SurePost Account Number field.

  10. Select any of the following options under the Rates section if they apply:

    1. Click the Return Published Rates option if your organization wishes to return published rates.


    2. Click the Enable UPS Mail Innovations option if your organization uses UPS Mail Innovations.


    3. Click the Enable UPS Ground with Freight Pricing if your organization uses freight pricing.


  11. Leave This is a Test Account unchecked.  This is a production account.


  12. Click the Save button to finish.

You have added UPS as a carrier to your ShipHawk account.


Connect your UPS freight account

ShipHawk supports UPS Freight as a carrier. Use the following procedure to connect an existing UPS Freight carrier account to ShipHawk.

Necessary UPS Freight account details

To add UPS as a carrier to your ShipHawk account, you must have the following account details:

  • UPS Freight user ID & password

  • UPS Freight account number

  • Organization’s preferred billing option

  • Organization name and address

How to add your UPS Freight carrier account

  1. From the ShipHawk dashboard, click on the Settings icon > Carriers in the upper right corner. The Carrier Integrations screen appears.


  2. Click on the UPS Freight tile. The Add Your Account screen appears.


  3. Enter your user ID & password in the user_id and password fields


  4. Enter your UPS Freight account number in the account_number field.

  5. Enter your organization’s preferred billing option and your organization’s name in the billing_option and payer_company_name fields.


  6. Enter the address and phone number associated with this UPS Freight account in the following fields: 

    1. payer_address_line

    2. payer_city

    3. payer_state

    4. payer_postal_code

    5. payer_country_code

    6. Payer_phone_number


  7. Leave This is a Test Account unchecked.  This is a production account.


  8. Click the Validate button to finish.

You have added a UPS Freight carrier to your ShipHawk account.


Connect your Fedex account

ShipHawk supports FedEx as a carrier. Use the following procedure to connect an existing FedEx carrier account to ShipHawk.

Necessary FedEx account details

To add FedEx as a carrier to your ShipHawk account, you must have the following account details:

  • FedEx account number

  • Account Phone and Address

  • Information about Additional Accounts, such as a Non-Resident Importer or Smart Post Account, if you wish to use one

How to add your FedEx carrier account

  1. From the ShipHawk dashboard, click on the Settings icon > Carriers in the upper right corner. The Carrier Integrations screen appears.


  2. Click on the Fedex tile. The Add Your Account screen appears.


  3. Complete the required fields under the Account Info section

    1. Enter your FedEx account number in the Account field.


    2. Enter the phone number associated with your FedEx account in the Phone field.


  4. Enter the street address associated with your FedEx account in the Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Country field.

    To enable further options associated with this FedEx account, continue to the next step. If you are finished, click Submit to finish.

  5. Select any of the following options under the Additional Accounts section if you have additional accounts you wish to use


  6. For every option you select, new fields will appear. Complete the fields as they were completed in steps 3 & 4. 


  7. Select any of the following services under the Rates section that you want to see in your carrier rating options

    1. If you want to see FedEx’s One Rate service, select the Return One Rate option.


    2. If you want to see FedEx’s List Rate service, select the Return List Rate option.


  8. Select the Enable ETD option under the Electronic Trade Documents (ETD) section if your organization uses ETD.


  9. Leave This is a Test Account unchecked.  This is a production account.


  10. Click the Paperless invoice enabled option if your organization uses paperless invoices.


  11. Click the I agree to the FedEx End User License Agreement option to accept the terms and conditions.


  12. Click the Submit button to finish.

You have successfully added your FedEx carrier account to ShipHawk.


Connect your Fedex freight account

ShipHawk supports FedEx Freight as a carrier.  You must first have a FedEx Freight account before adding the carrier to ShipHawk.

Use the following procedure to connect an existing FedEx carrier account to ShipHawk.

Necessary FedEx Freight account details

To add FedEx Freight as a carrier to your ShipHawk account, you must have the following account details:

  • Billing Account Number

  • Freight Account Number

  • Company Name associated with the freight account

  • Street (Billing Account)

  • City (Billing Account)

  • State (Billing Account)

  • Zip (Billing Account)

  • Country Code (Billing Account)

  • Phone Number (Billing Account)

Locate this information and keep it on hand before adding the carrier to ShipHawk.

To locate FedEx Freight information

  1. Log into your FedEx account. The FedEx dashboard appears.

  2. Click on the User icon > My Profile.

    The My Profile screen appears.

  3. Click the Account Management link on the left-side menu. The Account Management screen appears. Your accounts are listed here.

  4. Click on View/Edit in the row corresponding to the account you wish to view. The Account Details screen appears.

  5. Note the necessary information on this screen and make sure it is accessible for the next step.

Proceed to the following section for instructions on adding FedEx Freight as a carrier to your ShipHawk account.

How to add your FedEx Freight carrier account

The following section provides instructions for adding FedEx Freight as a carrier to ShipHawk. Once added, FedEx Freight will be available as a carrier to all your warehouses.

To add FedEx Freight

  1. From the ShipHawk dashboard, click on the Settings icon > Carriers in the upper right corner. The Carrier Integrations screen appears.


  2. Click on the Fedex Freight tile. The Add Your Account screen appears.

  3. Fill in the fields on the screen with your FedEx Freight account information.

  4. Enter your FedEx billing account number into the Account field.


  5. Enter your freight account number into the Freight Account field.


  6. Enter your company’s name in the Company Name field, then fill in the address associated with the freight account in the respective address fields.


  7. Leave This is a Test Account unchecked.  This is a production account.


  8. Click on the FedEx End User License Agreement button at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.


  9. A new window appears, containing the FedEx End User License Agreement. 


  10. Check the Accept FedEx EULA? checkbox and click the OK button to accept.


  11. Click the Validate button to finish.

You have now successfully connected your FedEx Freight account to ShipHawk.

FedEx Freight account types

FedEx Freight should always return Express freight rates (1 Day Freight, 2 Day Freight, 3 Day Freight), but in some cases neither Economy nor Priority freight rates will be returned by FedEx.  This may be due to the existence of different types of accounts that can be used for Freight. 

You may have an 8-digit Freight-only account (a legacy practice that FedEx is moving away from), or a 9-digit Enterprise account that has been Freight-enabled. Enterprise accounts are accounts that can be used for a variety of services, such as Express, Ground, Freight, etc.  

Freight accounts can also be either shipping accounts or “bill to” accounts. The shipping account is the account you use to ship your products. The “bill to” account is used for alternate billing situations where the freight charges are billed to an account that was not the account that the freight was shipped under.

You cannot register for Web Services (what ShipHawk uses) credentials using the old 8-digit Freight-only accounts. If you are using an 8-digit Freight account, you must link it to an Express or Enterprise account using the FedEx Account site. You can then use the 9-digit Express/Freight account to add the account to ShipHawk. 


Connect your USPS Pitney Bowes account

ShipHawk supports USPS Pitney Bowes as a carrier.  You must first have a USPS Pitney Bowes carrier account before you can add this carrier to ShipHawk. This section will outline how to obtain and connect an existing USPS Pitney Bowes carrier account.

To obtain a USPS Pitney Bowes carrier account

  1. Go to Merchant Portal


  2. Click Sign Up. The Create Account form appears.


  3. Complete the form and click the Continue button. 


  4. The Multi-factor Authentication screen appears. You can opt to enable multi-factor authentication by toggling the YES/NO option at the top of the screen. 


  5. Click the Continue button. A confirmation screen appears. Verify the information you entered in the form is correct, then click the Submit button to create your USPS account.


  6. A screen appears describing next steps. 


  7. Navigate to the email you used to set up the account. You should see an email from no-reply@pb.com


  8. Click the Complete Registration Now link in the email to finalize your registration.

  9. Set a password to finalize your registration.  

  10. Log into your Pitney Bowes account. 

  11. Click the Start Setup button. 


  12. Click on the carrier USPS and click Continue to proceed. 


  13. Choose the payment method that works best for you: credit, credit card or ACH payment.    Then, click Continue to proceed. 


  14. Set up your meter.  USPS requires upfront payment, just like buying stamps for envelopes. Then, click Continue to proceed. 


  15. Click User our calculator to set up an automated refill that works with the pace of your shipping operation so you are never left unfunded when your team is trying to ship.


  16. Click Apply Amounts to save your settings.

  17. Click Continue to complete your setup. 

  18. After setup, obtain your Merchant ID from the Pitney Bowes Account Information Screen by clicking on Account Information in the top right corner of your site.

You are now ready to set up your USPS Pitney Bowes account in ShipHawk.

How to add your USPS Pitney Bowes carrier account

  1. From the ShipHawk dashboard, click on the Settings icon > Carriers in the upper right corner. The Carrier Integrations screen appears.


  2. Click on the USPS PItney Bowes tile. The Add Your Account screen appears.

  3. Fill in the fields on the screen with your Pitney Bowes account information.

  4. Enter the USPS Pitney Bowes Merchant ID you obtained from the Pitney Bowes Account Information screen in the shipper_id field.  


  5. Enter the USPS rate plan: VSCM_SRP_NEWBLUE01 in the rate_plan field.


  6. Select the is_usps_parcel_select option if your organization uses the USPS Parcel Select service.


  7. Select the is_usps_media_mail option if your organization uses the USPS Media Mail service.


  8. Select the is_usps_library_mail option if your organization uses the USPS Library Mail service.


  9. Enter the carrier ID: 898642 in the carrier_id field.

  10. Enter the developer ID: 52572665 in the developer_id field.


  11. Leave This is a Test Account unchecked.  This is a production account.


  12. Click the Submit button to finish.

You have now successfully connected your Pitney Bowes account to ShipHawk.



Contact ShipHawk for carrier integration

Depending on the type of carrier, you can validate your account credentials to connect your carrier account to ShipHawk

 In some instances however, you may need to contact ShipHawk Support to integrate a less common carrier to your ShipHawk Account


For more information, see



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