In January 2025, ShipHawk made available the ShipHawk TMS SuiteApp.
From the NetSuite dashboard, select Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.
You will be redirected to the Access Token screen.Complete the screen by entering the following information:
In the Application Name field, choose ShipHawk Integration.
In the User field, choose the proxy user you set up in the previous procedure.
In the Role field, select ShipHawk Shipping Web Services.
After you complete each field, the Token Name field automatically populates with a new token name. Click Save, but DO NOT EXIT THE SCREEN. A confirmation screen will populate.
From the NetSuite dashboard, select ShipHawk > Setup > ShipHawk Settings.
You will be redirected to the ShipHawk Settings List screen.Click The ShipHawk Settings record is not automatically generated for the newly installed ShipHawk TMS SuiteApp: the settings for a valid API key, host, and default shipping method are required.
Next, click either the New ShipHawk Settings button or Edit to access the ShipHawk settings.Settings.
The ShipHawk Settings screen is displayed:Complete the ShipHawk Settings screen.
Enter the ShipHawk endpoint to set up your Production environment.
For example, if the ShipHawk endpoint is:
NOTE: If you are interested in a sandbox environment or user-acceptance testing environment, please contact your ShipHawk account manager for more information.
In the API Key field, enter the ShipHawk API key found in the ShipHawk platform. To locate the ShipHawk API key, complete the following steps:
Login to your ShipHawk account in a separate browser window or tab. If you are not sure which account to use, contact your ShipHawk Implementation Representative.
On the right side of ShipHawk’s top menu bar, click on the Settings
icon and select the Settings link. The Settings screen appears.
From the left-side menu, click on the Developer API link. The API Keys screen appears.
Click the Create New API Key button located at the top of the screen. The Create API Key pop-up window appears.
Enter a Name for your API Key. Then, click Create API Key.
A success message will display at the top of the pop-up window to confirm your API Key has been generated.
Click Copy to copy your API Key.
Important: Your API Key will only be displayed one time. Ensure you have saved and copied your key correctly before exiting the Create API Key window.
After you have successfully copied the API Key to your clipboard, click Done.
Navigate back to NetSuite and the ShipHawk Settings screen.
Paste the ShipHawk API key into the API Key field in NetSuite.
Click on the Shipping Methods tab.
In the Default Shipping Method dropdown field, select your organization’s usual shipping method. If unknown, just select one from the dropdown list. Your ShipHawk Implementation Representative will assist you with this later.
Click Save when you are finished.
From your NetSuite dashboard top menu, select Setup > Users > View Login Audit Trail.
You will be redirected to the Login Audit Trail Search screen.
Personalize the search by filtering the following options:
Select ShipHawk Shipping Web Services or the name of your proxy user in the Role field.
Click the Personalize Search button. The Personalize Login Audit Trail Search Form screen is displayed.
Click on the Results tab to generate a list of fields included in the search:
Review the included fields and verify that the Detail option is included. If Detail is not displayed on the list, click on the dropdown field at the bottom of the Field grid and select Detail.
Click the Add button.
Click Save. You will be redirected to the Login Audit Trail Search screen.
Click Submit to run the search.
Review the results and locate the entry with a timestamp that corresponds with your attempt to synchronize the product field mappings.
If one exists and the Status is Success, ShipHawk did successfully communicate with NetSuite.
If one exists and the Status is Failure, then the request did reach NetSuite, but NetSuite blocked it from connecting. The likeliest problem is an incorrect account ID.
If one does not exist at all, ShipHawk was unable to make contact with NetSuite.
Now the upgrade of the ShipHawk SuiteApp is complete.
Further Configuration Information
See SuiteApp Administration and Configuration Guide for NetSuite