The ShipHawk-Acumatica connector is a solution designed to allow users to install the ShipHawk app for Acumatica. The app is an Acumatica Certified Application (ACA), meaning it adheres to standards set for Acumatica integration and functionality. When the application is successfully installed and configured, ShipHawk is able to sync Acumatica shipments as orders in the ShipHawk platform and complete the order fulfillment process.
ShipHawk Setup Screen Field Definitions
IMPORTANT: Entering the API URL and API Key is required during the installation process. If you do not enter this information, the integration can stop working until those fields are populated.
To test your connection using your API Key
Log in to your ShipHawk PlatformTMS platform.
On the right side of ShipHawk’s top menu bar, click on the Settings
icon and select the Settings option from the dropdown below. The Settings screen appears.
From the left-hand side menu, select the Developer API option under Integrations. The API Keys screen will appear.
Your API Key should appear in a card on the screen. You can click the Copy button to the right of the key to copy the API Key to your clipboard. The URL will also be displayed under the key.
Navigate back to the ShipHawk Setup screen in Acumatica.
Paste the API Key & API Url details you copied from the API Keys screen in the ShipHawk From the main menu, choose ⚙️ > Settings > Developer API.
Get the API URL: On the Developer API screen, the field Use this URL for all API integrations provides the API URL.
Get the API Key: To create a new API key, click CREATE API KEY. In the pop-up, enter a descriptive name for the API key.
In Acumatica, go to the ShipHawk Setup screen.
Paste the API URL and API Key details you copied from the ShipHawk TMS platform to their respective fields in Acumatica.
Note |
Entering the API URL and API Key is required during the installation process. If you do not enter this information, the integration can stop working until those fields are populated. |
Click the
TEST CONNECTION button located in the form toolbar. If your connection
is successful a green checkmark will appear to the right of this button.
If your connection is successful, you will get the following message:
Finally, on the Acumatica ShipHawk Setup screen, in WEBHOOK INTEGRATIONS, click CREATE WEBHOOK.
ShipHawk Mapping Screen
Field mapping allows ShipHawk to extract data from specific Acumatica fields back to the ShipHawk platform. When the ShipHawk application is installed to your instance of Acumatica, this process is done automatically. However, you can use the ShipHawk Mapping screen to manually alter which fields in Acumatic map back to which specific fields in ShipHawk. This section describes how to override native field mappings using the ShipHawk Mapping screen.
Log in to your ShipHawk account. Confirm the account you are using is the same account that is linked to Acumatica.
Click the Orders button in the top menu bar. This will bring you to the Orders page.
If your shipment was exported successfully, your shipment number should appear as an Order number on the Orders page.
You can verify this by entering the order number from the Acumatica Sales Order page into the search box on the ShipHawk Orders page.
Click on the Order #.
In the expanded Order page, verify the details of your shipment populated correctly:
Stock item details
Shipping address
Product dimensions
You can click on the Print Labels button in the Order Details page to generate the labels associated with your order.
Click Ship. Your Order details page will be updated after you opt to ship your order.
Click on the Shipment number, located on the title card under the Order number. This will redirect you to the Shipment page.
In the Shipment page, locate the Status field.
Set the Shipment status to Confirmed.
Confirm the shipment in Acumatica
Navigate back to the Shipments screen in Acumatica.
The fields in the ShipHawk Shipment Details section should populate the following information accordingly:
Sent to ShipHawk checkbox is selected.
Last Sync Date is no longer blank.
Click the ShipHawk Actions button on the form toolbar. Select the Get Shipment Confirmation action from the drop-down.
Click on the ShipHawk Info tab near the grid at the bottom of the Shipments page. The data from the ShipHawk Order details screen should be displayed in the grid below the tab.
Click on the Packages tab to the right of the ShipHawk Info tab. The shipment details you confirmed in ShipHawk, along with the order tracking number, should be displayed in the grid below the tab.
On the Acumatica user interface, open the Webhooks page.
In the Webhook Name field, enter a name for the ShipHawk webhook, such as “SHWebook”.
Make sure the Active checkbox is selected.
In the Implementation Class field, enter the implementation class, such as “ShipHawk SHWKWebhookHander”.
Upon saving, a URL is generated and displayed in the URL field:
Copy this URL so that you can use it to set up the webhook in ShipHawk.
On the ShipHawk user interface, select Settings (gear icon) > Settings > Webhooks to view the Webhooks Management page.
Select Actions > Create New Webhook:
In the Create a new webhook window, in the Callback URL field at the top, paste the URL you copied from Acumatica.
NOTE: Make sure Use Basic Authentication is not selected.Under Events, select the shipment.create_from_order event checkbox.
Click Create to save the new webhook setting.
Before you begin creating Shipments, ensure the Syncing Entity field in the ShipHawk Setup screen is set to Shipment.
In Acumatica, navigate to Sales Orders > New Sales Order.
Follow the instructions for creating a new sales order and shipment as detailed in steps 2-5 of the ‘To create a shipment to export in Acumatica:’ section of this guide.
Before saving your shipment in the Shipments screen, ensure the Status field is set to On Hold. When a shipment is set to On Hold, it can be exported from the Send Orders/Shipments To ShipHawk screen.
Navigate back to the Send Orders/Shipments to ShipHawk screen by clicking Other Items > ShipHawk > Send Orders/Shipments To ShipHawk. You should see the shipment you placed on hold in the grid.
If you select the checkbox in the same row as the shipment, and click the Process button, the shipment will be exported to ShipHawk from this screen. You can also send shipments in bulk by clicking the Process All button at the top of the grid to send every shipment displayed on the page.
You can log in ShipHawk and verify the shipments were exported by going to the Orders screen in ShipHawk and cross referencing order numbers with the shipment number in Acumatica.
From the Send Orders/Shipments To ShipHawk. Screen, click the Timer icon located in the form toolbar.
The Schedules drop-down will appear. Click Add to add a new scheduler.
Clicking Add will take you to the Automation Schedules pop-up window. Here you can specify an interval period for how often orders are automatically sent to ShipHawk.
From the Automation Schedules window, enter ‘Automatically Send New Orders to ShipHawk’in the Description field.
Click the Schedule tab at the bottom of the screen.
You can set the following parameters for your interval:
Schedule Type: Daily
Starts On: 8:00 AM
Stops On: 9:00 PM
Every: 00:15 secondsminutes
You can alter the execution time if you find you do not need your orders to sync so frequently.
Click the Save icon in the form toolbar.
Log in to your ShipHawk account. Confirm the account you are using is the same account that is linked to Acumatica.
Click the Shipments button in the top menu bar. This will bring you to the Shipments page.
Verify you have a shipment with Confirmed status by setting the Group By filter to Status.
A list of Shipments should appear under the Confirmed group in the Shipments grid.
If no shipments appear, you can manually change a shipment status to Confirmed by selecting a shipment from the grid and manually changing the status in the Shipment details page.
Return to Acumatica, navigate to Other Items > ShipHawk > Import ShipHawk Confirmed Shipments. The Import ShipHawk Confirmed Shipments screen will appear.
The grid should contain all the Confirmed but not Shipped shipments you verified in the ShipHawk Shipments page.
To import a shipment into Acumatica, select the checkbox in the same row as the shipment and click the Process button. You can also perform a bulk import by clicking the Process All button.
If you click the Timer icon located to the right of the Process All button, you can schedule the shipments on the grid to be imported automatically.
A processing pop-up window will appear if you opt to import the shipment. When the process is complete it will be confirmed in the window.
In Acumatica, navigate to Other Items > ShipHawk > ShipHawk Log Details
The API interactions should be displayed as rows in the grid on the ShipHawk Log Details screen.
You can filter the type of interaction by selecting an Entity Type at the top of the grid.
You can view the API Request and API Response as columns in the grid.
When a user exports a shipment from Acumatica to ShipHawk, a new record should display as an Export Entity type.
You can view the Request from ShipHawk and Response from Acumatica in this grid in the API Request and API Response columns.
You can also view whether an API interaction was successful in the Success or Error Msg column in the same grid.