On this screen, you can create an ShipHawk API key, and view a list On the ShipHawk TMS, choose ⚙️ > Settings > Developer API:
On the Developer API screen, the field Use this URL for all API integrations provides the API URL.
To create a new API key, click CREATE API KEY. In the pop-up, enter a descriptive (what will this key be used for?) name for the API key.
Next, the screen lists of all your keys for the ShipHawk API.
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The list of API keys indicates the Name, Status (Active or Revoked), Days Active, and Last Action. From the list, you can revoke individual keys by clicking Revoke in the Actions column. Note that you show only the active keys by selecting Hide revoked keys in the upper right corner.To add a new API key, click CREATE API KEY. In the pop-up, enter a descriptive (what will this key be used for?) name for the API key.
See also: https://docs.shiphawk.com/#api-keys